Help Ontario Health Team patients get better access to home and community care with Caredove's eReferral platform.
From virtual counselling to adult day programs, enable easy access to all home and community support services from the click of a button.
Allow both the public and clinicians to sign up, choose convenient appointments, or search for services 24/7.
Create your network of preferred service providers or partner organizations and begin receiving referrals immediately.
Improve access to your Health Team's services online with better discoverability and advanced service search.
Caredove leverages current technological infrastructures to ensure front line staff experience a smooth workflow.
With over 800 community agencies in Ontario receiving referrals in Caredove, it makes sense to leverage our platform.
Advanced reporting helps Ontario Health Teams track referral numbers and positive outcomes across all partners.
Online platforms need to give the public a way to search for services and send self-referrals on their own time: evenings, weekends and holidays. With our Public Search and WebBuilder modules, Ontario Health Team clients and clinicians can access service information, additional resources, book intake appointments and complete service request forms at any time of day.
Networks choose Caredove because we take the hassle out of local network collaboration for Community Based Organizations (CBOs). When CBOs use Caredove, they get all their referrals in one spot, with custom workflows designed for every service to ensure the right staff gets the referral. Whether it is primary care, care coordinators or the public referring, CBOs in Canada trust Caredove to capture their referrals.
Advanced search filters allow service discovery based on location, condition or eligibility. Easily choose care providers based on wait times, class schedules or service cost.T he Caredove Service Taxonomy includes over 80 categories of community services, ensuring that the complexity of each organization’s service offerings are clearly communicated.
A valuable and digitally mature OHT network will leverage existing successful technical infrastructures. Caredove excels at interoperability with other systems and has active integrations with CHRIS, Ocean, AlayaCare and more, ensuring easy alignment to future provincial health care navigation services.
Ontario Health is inviting proposals from Ontario Health Teams, aligning with the provincial priorities of improving service navigation, access and transitions across the care continuum with a focus on priority and underserved populations in Ontario. With over 800 community agencies in Ontario receiving referrals in Caredove, it makes sense to leverage our platform.
Advanced reporting helps provide Ontario Health Teams with regular updates on network performance. The ability to monitor an overall network health by tracking referral volumes, intake activity and measurable outcomes will help identify areas for improvement and continued growth with additional partner organizations.
With over 80 categories of service spanning many social determinants, Caredove's robust taxonomy and search platform can help make access to your Ontario Health Team's services easier than ever.
Join the 800+ organizations across Canada in using Caredove to create trusted networks of care partners with secure and easy to use tools.
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