Make a "death plan" to include at home palliative care services.
FAQs to help you understand how Caredove helps connect clients with care.
Allow your registrant to easily self-book appointment times by email.
Caredove now supports Secure Email, which utilizes secure end-to-end encryption.
Caredove has proudly collaborated with the CFN to support stronger primary care.
FLAACOS partners with Caredove to transition patient care to home care services.
We have the potential and the responsibility to be a better community of care.
Often the mystery while waiting is worse than the waiting itself.
Better understand your current processes by asking the right questions.
We tapped into the secrets of the Canada Goose to avoid referral chaos.
Good care coordination helps patients easily navigate the health care system.
Reduce rehospitalizations by improving at home care and support services.
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